Charles (Monty) Castevens – South Carolina

“Many thanks for your expert help! This stuff is SO complicated, no wonder people never wade their way through it alone!

“I will have the talk with mom by mid November, sooner if possible, then get back with you on further needs.

“Based on this positive experience if you need a reference I am one.”

Charles (Monty) Castevens
South Carolina

If you need help with aging parents, our senior care consultants can help.  We are only a click or call away from anyone nationwide who needs advice and assistance to help care for Mom or Dad – and we can start IMMEDIATELY on helping you.  Simply click here to get started.


About our senior care consultants
Care Connect Direct is based in Virginia Beach, VA.  Their virtual consulting services grew out of the fact that six out of 10 son or daughter caregivers live more than an hour away from Mom or Dad.  Virtual consultations reduce the burden of that distance and help adult children navigate the complexities of caring for a loved one as they age.

If you are looking for senior care consultants, assisted living consultants, elder care consultants, a geriatric care manager, or a veteran benefits consultant, we can help.

Our professionals serve families in Alabama, AL, Arkansas, AR, Delaware, DE, Florida, FL, Georgia, GA, Kentucky, KY, Louisiana, LA, Maryland, MD, Maine, ME, Michigan, MI, Mississippi, MS, North Carolina, NC, New York, NY, Ohio, OH, Pennsylvania, PA, South Carolina, SC, Tennessee, TN, Vermont, VT, and throughout the United States.